Resilience is Innate

Summer has come and gone.  For some of us (you know who you are) summer is just around the corner.  Here in Toronto it was a great summer.  And hot.  We had the right amount of rain.  The squirrels and birds were happy and both were singing.  Of course, unfortunately, the summer was like no other.
All of the festivals that Toronto is known for didn’t happen.  The Fringe, Caribana, the Indy, to name just a few – cancelled.  Even the Canadian National Exhibition, our beloved “Ex”, a showcase of agriculture and innovation (think deep-fried butter on a stick), cheapo dollar stores and rickety mobile rides since 1879 – cancelled. 
At first these cancellations were shocking and depressing.  But now it’s common sense.  We don’t put lives in danger for the sake of hot dogs and whack-a-mole.
Now we have new festivals. The Indy has been replaced with walking loops in our own neighbourhood. Butter on a stick has been replaced with baking more than we ever could have imagined. Instead of spinning rides, now we have mood swings.
We’ve adapted. Against our will, we’ve been forced into being resilient.  And now we find we’re mostly ok.  Surprised?  We have an innate ability as humans to cope.  We’re still facing more uncertainty, but now we’re certain we can deal with it.
Over the next few weeks, think about how resilient you are.  Think about what was difficult a few months ago that is now routine.  And please, stay safe.

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