The Musings and Ideas of Paul

Time For Sweeping Changes
A narrow ray of sunlight shines through the side-window by the front door of our house every year at this time. It bounces obliquely across the kitchen floor where it lights up dust and crumbs that have fallen off the counter that we don’t see the rest of the year. These tiny morsels gleam like priceless gems discovered by Harrison

Expect Everything and Expect Patience
I’m sitting here essentially locked-down (regardless of what colour the current lockdown is). I write at my desk or discuss on camera or ponder life on long walks and imagine the world in a couple of months. What will normal look like? How long will it be before we know? I also still spend a lot of my time talking about

Resilience is Innate
Summer has come and gone. For some of us (you know who you are) summer is just around the corner. Here in Toronto it was a great summer. And hot. We had the right amount of rain. The squirrels and birds were happy and both were singing. Of course, unfortunately, the summer was like no other. All of the festivals that

We Change, then We Adapt
I’ve been speaking about change for years. You know what I’ve learned? Change is only change for so long. It’s no longer change when today’s thing is the same as yesterday’s thing. How we approach change is of course critical. It shapes our actions and even who we are. We all know this, but we have all had to re-learn